Rear-End Collision | Michigan Personal Injury Attorney | Shafer Swartz PLC

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Have you been in a rear-end collision with another driver?

Statistically rear-end collisions are the most common automotive accidents in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, rear-end crashes account for nearly 29% of all crashes in the United States each year. Over the past decade, substantial steps have been taken to help reduce automotive injuries related to rear-end collisions, including implementing improved breaking and signal lighting.

Overwhelmingly the most common reason for auto collisions in the United States, are distracted drivers. According to a report issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, upwards of 10 – 50% of automotive collisions are a result of a distracted driver. In an analysis of 6,177 rear-end collisions, over 26 percent involved a distracted driver. In the analysis, it was found that over 47% of drivers involved in a rear-end crash did not use any form of crash-avoidance response. This indicates that the driver was distracted during the events that lead to the automotive collision.

Drivers are routinely engaging in activities that distract them while driving.

The most common driving distractions reported included,

Infographic image of the most common driving distractions

  • Cell Phone Usage,
  • Smoking
  • Daydreaming
  • External Distractions
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Other driving-related inattention to the forward roadway

Based on a 1996 GES database analysis, it was determined that males contribute to approximately 61% of all rear-end crashes, with women accounting for nearly 39%. Men ages 25 – 55 were found to be responsible for up to 42% of rear-end collisions in the United States. With rear-end collisions accounting for nearly 30% of all automotive crashes reported in the U.S. as a result, rear-end crashes account for a substantial number of automotive injuries and fatalities every year. 

Common Injuries Reported In a Rear-End Accident

The most common injuries reported after a rear-end accident include whiplash which symptoms can include severe neck pain and loss of range of bodily motion. Other resulting injuries can include head injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, and other forms of blunt-force trauma.

Always Get a Medical Evaluation

If you are in a rear-end automotive accident, you should always get a medical evaluation no matter how minor or severe your injuries may be. After an accident, you may feel fine initially, but as time goes on you may start to experience related back and neck pain from possible whiplash or other underlying injuries, which could progress into something much more serious.

Document Everything

You should always contact your local police department by calling 911. No matter how minor damage may appear, it is always necessary to document any automotive accident in a police report. It is vitally important that you document as much as possible. Take notes regarding the details of your rear-end collision if you are physically able. Make sure you get the full name, address, and phone number of the other person involved in the accident.

Keep Track of Accident Related Expences

If you are injured in a rear-end automobile collision, it is very important to keep track of all related medical records pertaining to the injuries that resulted from the accident. Keep a detailed log of each doctor’s visit, prescriptions, and any other bills that relate to your injury.

If you are involved in a rear-end crash, you should remember to never admit fault. You should always be careful what you say following any automotive accident. If you admit or imply that you are at fault it may hurt your ability to build a case for recovering your resulting losses.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are involved in a rear-end collision in the state of Michigan, you should contact the law offices of Shafer Swartz PLC, to discuss your accident. We can help to determine if you have a legal case and a right to recover losses related to your automotive accident. Shafer Swartz PLC, has helped recover millions of dollars for other accident victims across the state of Michigan.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as legal advice. Every situation is different, and if you have been injured, please call (231) 722-2444 for personalized legal advice.