Personal Injury Resources

Top 4 Famous Punitive Damages Cases

Top 4 Famous Punitive Damages Cases

What Is a Punitive Damage Case Punitive damages are compensation awarded in personal injury cases in addition to actual damages. They are considered a punishment for the defendant for harmful and malicious actions and warn the public not to do the same.  In...

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

A personal injury case is a tort lawsuit filed when a person gets hurt, harmed, or injured because of another person’s negligence, intentional act, or reckless behavior. You can seek compensation for physical, mental, and psychological harm or injury, as...

Legal Claim: How to Prove a Medical Malpractice

Legal Claim: How to Prove a Medical Malpractice

What happens if the medical professional you trusted makes a mistake, is negligent, or provides you with subpar care that jeopardizes your safety or life? Unfortunately, medical malpractice occurs frequently in the United States. According to a civil justice...

How Car Safety Features Help You Avoid Accidents

How Car Safety Features Help You Avoid Accidents

Did you know that simply wearing a seatbelt can increase your chances of surviving a serious car accident by as much as 50 percent? Yes, car safety features save lives! It’s important not to overlook them when choosing a vehicle. Not only will it save you in...