Newaygo Personal Injury Lawyer

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Injury Lawyer

According to the City of Newaygo’s official site, the origins of the name Newaygo is uncertain, but there are various legends that offer clues as to how it came to be. One of the legends is that Newaygo was derived from a Native American warrior, also called a brave, known for his bravery and courage. Perhaps those who live in the area are capable of demonstrating a similar fearless spirit, especially when faced with adversity, such as a personal injury accident. If you’ve been hurt in an accident at no fault of your own, bravery and courage is commendable, but it may not pay the bills. If you’re seeking a settlement and require the assistance of a Newaygo personal injury attorney, look no further than Shafer Swartz PLC, where you don’t pay unless we win.

newaygo personal injury attorney

Services Provided by Our Newaygo Personal Injury Attorney:

The Michigan Department of Community Health found that from 2014-2018, that there were 31 accident-related deaths in Newaygo county, but this doesn’t include the number of accident-related injuries. We provide legal aid for a variety of personal injury cases, such as car and motorcycle accidents, dog bites, wrongful death, slip & fall injuries, medical malpractice, and workplace injuries. For example, in 2016 Michigan ranked eighth in the country for dog-bite related insurance claims. If you fall victim to the unexpected, we’re here to help.

Newaygo Personal Injury Verdicts:

The amount you can receive in a settlement depends on a variety of factors, such as the injuries received. However, we can confidently state that we’ve collected more money for our clients that any other firm in our community. We’ve secured both million and multi-million dollar settlements in the past. Every case is different, but represent the bravery of Newaygo and contact us today to inquire about our legal aid services.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as legal advice. Every situation is different, and if you have been injured, please call (231) 722-2444 for personalized legal advice.